Liberty Century

There is no justice without freedom, and there can be no human rights without human liberty!

Monday, September 20, 2004

A Picture of the "Real American Dream"

“The more ownership there is in America, the more vitality there is in America, and the more people have a vital stake in the future of this country.”

-President George W. Bush

The American Dream is universal - the dream of economic opportunity that allows every American to live and prosper in freedom. America's economic engine is gaining steam, helping Americans attain their dreams.... He (Bush) trusts the American people to make the fundamental decisions that govern their lives - and he wants to empower them to have greater control over those decisions. That's why the President wants a Nation where every American participates in all the blessings inherent in a land of liberty. The President believes that every American should have the right to own his or her home, to build his or her own future....