The Growing Threat!
Syria Offering to Make Peace With Israel - The Smoke Screen!
Syria, "Lets be nice to Israel to take the heat off the investigation that we have Saddam's weapons of Mass Distruction."
The Washington Times' Rowan Scarborough reports that U.S. military officials say they've seen intelligence indicating that Syria is helping foreign fighters enter Iraq and supplying them with weapons.
A lot of material left Iraq and went to Syria - World Tribune
Saddam, Syria Colluded Under U.N. Watch - Fox News
U.S. Troops Take Fire from Syrian Border - Fox News
Syria a Terrorist Nation – Part I
Syria, "Lets be nice to Israel to take the heat off the investigation that we have Saddam's weapons of Mass Distruction."

The Washington Times' Rowan Scarborough reports that U.S. military officials say they've seen intelligence indicating that Syria is helping foreign fighters enter Iraq and supplying them with weapons.
A lot of material left Iraq and went to Syria - World Tribune
Saddam, Syria Colluded Under U.N. Watch - Fox News
U.S. Troops Take Fire from Syrian Border - Fox News
Syria a Terrorist Nation – Part I