Liberty Century

There is no justice without freedom, and there can be no human rights without human liberty!

Tuesday, October 19, 2004

Relative Democrat vs. Absolute Republican

I have had the opportunity to listen to Josh McDowell Speak on the matter of Absolute and Relative Truth. I am in the middle of a book called “Beyond Belief to Convictions” by Mr. McDowell. The topic centers on how to reach our children in a post modern world. Post modern relative truth has become the staple of teaching in many of our education institutions and even churches. This has created a crisis of truth in our society. This crisis has now reached our most highly regarded political post in the country. I remember a time when children considered the office of the President the most honorable job in the land.

I listen to many talk radio shows that continue to say things like “I don’t understand them!” or “What is the other side thinking?” Most topics have become dividing rods. No middle ground exists and very few discussions take place.

If we are to understand what is going on we should focus on the differences first. Not the differences on the topic but the differences in belief.

Let’s look at post modern beliefs: (From Josh McDowell’s book Beyond Belief to Convictions – My interpretations)

No Objective Truth. Everything is subject to interpretation.

“Fundamental Stories” and ideology are rejected as truth and reality.

Cultures and Communities create their own truth through science, education or religion

The identities of the individual are defined by the culture and lack the uniqueness created in each person by God.

One culture's created belief become different from another’s created beliefs. This creates a fractured society.

One group’s truth that fundamentally opposes a line-by-line, point-by-point value structures create an unfavorable power play and a fight for domination.

When the comments are made that the other group is living in another world. They are! A world that has been created out of their own beliefs based on what percieve works.

Relative Truth = If is Works it must be True.
Absolute Truth = If it is True than it Works.

John Kerry is a fine example of a post modern man. We see this in his example on abortion. Kerry has taken the position that he has strong beliefs in his faith. He also claims that he will not impose his beliefs on others. His beliefs are not convictions and can change depending on the outcome of what works. That is the foundation of his decision making and has created a record that leads people to joke about Kerry being a Flip-Flopper.

Kerry’s core values can be considered more of nuances. The political winds of change have created a politician with not absolute truths in life.

If you listen to President Bush you will hear convictions and fundamental principles. President Bush may have views that the right wing, neo-conservative are not confortable and the liberal media/world go crazy when Bush falls on his knees. But everyone knows who Bush is whether you like him or not. People hate that President Bush's Faith is based in the Truth and that is why we currently see such a hard fought campaign against him.

The Truth is always going to have a hard fight and history show that it always wins in the end. We need to focus on the Truth and continue to spread it.

The Truth will beat the dimpled, pregnant, cocaine vote registered, fake military draft, scare-the-elderly votes of a confused culture.